Health and Safety in the Workplace

Part of RIDDOR

What is it?

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences regulations 2013

What should be reported?

If someone has died or has been injured because of a work related accident this may have to be reported

  1. not all need to be
  2. BUT certain gas incidents DO need to be

Only required if work related

Results in an injury of a type that is reportable


Specific injuries

  • fractures to major bones (not fingers or toes)
  • amputations
  • injuries resulting in permanent loss or reduction in sight
  • crush injury causing brain or internal organ damage
  • serious burns >10%
  • scalping
  • LOC
  • hypo or hyperthermia
  • requires rests or admittance to hospital for >24 hr
  • person off for >7days
  • non fatal accidents to members of public where the injury requires immediate transport to hospital and treatment (not simply tests and examination)
  • Occupational diseases
    • CTS
    • hand or forearm cramp
    • occupational asthma
    • tendonitis
    • occupational cancer
    • occupational exposure to a biological agent
  • Dangerous occurrences
    • eg collapse of load bearing lifts or lifting equipment, equipment coming into contact with overhead power lines, release of substance which could cause injury

Who should report?

  • An employer or person in control of premises
  • If self employed, person in control of the premises should report (either you or the person you are working for)
  • Not appropriate for injured persons, members of the public or others who do not have duties under RIDDOR to use this mechanism – should contact HSE directly for advice/ consult their website
  • If you are concerned that it may not be reported by the organisation, it is possible to phone the HSE and discuss your concerns with them.