When contacting someone about sickness, it goes without saying that we need to be understanding.
Each department should have a clear reporting procedure – usually to call in at 9 am and speak to the duty consultant or secretary
Need to find out
- what is wrong
- how long they are likely to be off work
- Anything that needs to be picked up while they’re off
- Discuss how often they need to keep in touch
When they return, they should have a return to work interview
They should fill in a self certification
Short term sickness: <28 days
If frequent ad hoc, may need further meeting, looking for themes in reasons for absence. May be good to have this meeting with occupational health +/-HR
Fit note: supplied by the GP, addresses how the employer can help with return to work
If an employee does not produce something, this is an unauthorised absence
- Discuss with HR
- May result in a disciplinary meeting (they may wish to bring a union rep to this)
Sickness logged by secretary – ensure that she also emails all consultants!
Unauthorised absence (Raj who has gone to India kite surfing)
This is a disciplinary procedure and may result in dismissal – when he has a back to work interview he will definitely want to bring a rep.
HOWEVER it is important to maintain an open mind until all the facts are confirmed…